Thesis Exam Flowchart


1. Fill in the proposed title in the form (The form is in staff)
2. Submit the form to staff
3. Staff makes a legal letter to advise
4. Students meet the advisors and do research
5. Students buy the advisory card in staff
6. Students asks for legal agreement to proceed to the exam
7. Students submit the legal agreement to staff and the copy of payment check
8. Students submit the drafts for exam to staff for the examiners and advisor
9. The Head of Department decide the examiners
10. Staff makes legal agreement for examiners
11. Staff makes notes for examination
12. Students ask legal agreement to bind the research result
13. Students submit the form and ask for the sample of it
14. Students submit the card of advisory to staff
15. Students submit the thesis
16. Students asks for letter of acceptance from staff
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